So we're going to start a new thing here on Amreeki Haseena, every Tuesday we're going to discuss the new episode of Amreeki Haseena favorite Real Housewives of New Jersey. The show airs on Monday nights on Bravo so we're going to make Tuesdays our discussion night. This will give ample time for those who DVR the show (like me) or catch it online to watch it. For now we're going to do an overview of the show and we'll begin our discussions of the new episode on next Tuesday.
I hope anyone reading this is already familiar with the whole "Housewives" series on Bravo. They started a couple years ago with the Real Housewives of Orange County, then started a season in New York, then Atlanta, and then New Jersey! Each season has about 10-15 episodes so the shows run about 3-4 months each. They're almost done with this season of the Real Housewives of New York (which airs on Thursdays and this upcoming Thursday is the finale!) and they're into about the fourth episode of the Real Housewives of New Jersey's second season.
Now you might be asking, why New Jersey? Why do we want to "discuss" New Jersey? Well because it's the best of all the housewives shows! So much personality and drama! I highly suggest that if you haven't seen the first season of New Jersey, you find it somewhere and watch it because it's going to help you better understand this season. And we're already a couple episodes into this season, so get moving! I'm going to do a brief summary of each housewife:
Caroline - She's kind of like the maternal figure on the show. She's got (I think) 3 grown children and her husband owns this famous catering/event place called the Brownstone. She's not really a forgive and forget type of person and family always comes first for her. She's proud of her "Italian" values and traditions.

Dina - She's Caroline's sister and sister-in-law. She has one daughter and her husband has never been on the show (he's supposedly a very busy man and doesn't want to be videotaped for this show.) Dina is very spiritual and has rosaries and figurines of Catholic saints around her house. Even though she seems to be a very spiritual Catholic, she also believes in psychics, etc.
Jacqueline - She's married to Caroline and Dina's brother. She has a grown daughter from a previous marriage and has 2 young boys from her current husband. She's very much the "trying-to-stay-neutral" person and is constantly pressured by her sister-in-laws (Caroline and Dina) to side with them (watch season 1 to know why!) She's cute and bubbly.
Teresa - My favorite housewife! She's very fashionable and girly and always dressed up. She's got 4 cute little daughters and they're always dressed up from top to bottom in extremely fashionable clothing. Teresa is my favorite because she's just fun to watch. She is someone I would definitely want to be friends with in real life. She's sweet, funny, and still maintains her traditional values. She cares for her husband and children and does it all in heels (even when she's going to give birth at the hospital!)
Danielle - My least favorite housewife. She's definitely the villain of the show. She's a single mom of 2 daughters. Her eldest daughter is beginning a modeling career which is documented in this season. She's got a shady past (watch season 1!) and is kind of borderline psycho.
I have to say I agree, this is my FAV Real Housewives show! AND Theresa is my favorite as well. She's so stylish, a great mom and wife but a traditional wife at heart:)And she takes no drama! She will throw a table at you if you piss her off lool.
I have to cathc up on last season. I cant wait to watch the new episode tomorrow!! DRAMA!!!
I'm a huge real housewives follower! And I often feel I'm the only one who watches them - even though of course the show has huge ratings.
I personally hate Theresa. Last season I was neutral until the table flipping drama - after that I just hated her. I am sad to say I do not like 1 single person of this cast - except Jacqueline.
One thing which makes me cringe about this particular franchise - the drama is too dark. Danielle will never be asked to leave because the ratings she brings in - but she is scary. She brings out the scum in all the others too. I wish I had to see the show without her in it....because I think we would have gotten to know the other housewives better.
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